Automated Tasks (Reports)-1
Task Reports

After completing a tour or alarm intervention, the report is immediately available and you can send it automatically or check it first.

Collective Reports_new
Collective Reports

Daily, weekly or monthly summary reports contain all information relevant to the customer.

Customer Portal
Customer Portal

Your customer does not want to receive e-mails, but wants to be able to retrieve the reports himself at any time? No problem with the integrated customer portal.

7_Customer & Contract

Timestamps, Notes & Photos

Share Detailed Reports With Customers

Generate customer reports through a centralized solution. Ensure a digital and transparent overview and automatically deliver it at the time of your customer's liking. Keep them informed about all services performed, including details such as timestamps, notes & photos.

8_Customer & Contract

One Platform for Incident Registrations

All Your Reports From One Source

Do you create reports with input from Excel and Word files or even handwritten notes? Use our platform and generate reports from one single source for all your security services. Decrease the amount of errors and increase the quality of your services towards customers.

9_Customer & Contract

Online Customer Portal

24/7 Information Access for Customers

Empower your customers with our online customer portal, providing them with insights into both planned and completed tasks. Let them manage their data like address changes or phone numbers, while you provide them with invoices and professional reports.

10_Customer & Contract

Data Driven Reports

Visualize Your
Value and Increase Revenue

Scheduled reports show your services' value to customers. Based on these reports, you and your customer can make data driven adjustments, such as increasing the frequency of routes and optimal staffing. This strengthens trustworthiness, results in an improved customer relationship and maximizes growth.

Book an Online Demo

Curious about whether the platform meets all your requirements?
Book an online demo and we would like to show you how SequriX can improve your security company.

Customer Quotes

What Our Customers Think About Us

SequriX is easy to understand and can be used quickly by all employees, all in one place. A real added value for our company.


SequriX has enabled us to achieve much better documentation and traceability in our on-site security.

avitea Industrieservice GmbH Christian Hetzel

With SequriX we are always up to date software-wise in case of market developments.


Response time has now become a matter of seconds thanks to the connection with SequriX. Previously, it took up to 5 minutes by phone before a suitable security guard was found at an external surveillance company to follow up the alarm. All communication is digital and automated.

Securitas Netherlands

Customer Reports

All Features at a Glance

Find all important features clearly listed in this overview.

Automated Tasks (Reports)-1
Task Reports

After the work is done, the reports are created automatically. You can send them directly or after review.

Intervention Reports
Intervention Reports

Customers can be immediately informed about interventions. Intervention reports are generated automatically, with timestamps, photos and incidents.

Customer_Obejct Profiles
Customer & Obejct Profiles

In customer and object profiles, you can control who receives what information at what times.

Collective Reports_new
Collective Reports

Relevant information is compiled in collective reports and sent to the customer on desired days.

Customer Portal
Customer Portal

With the customer portal, your customer gets access to all reports without having to send emails.

Feedback Feature
Feedback Feature

With the help of the optional feedback feature, the customer can ask questions about the performed service in the portal.

Evaluation Of Objects

For individual objects you can create clear evaluations for desired time periods and thus optimize your operations.

Flexible Forms
Flexible Forms

Your customer requires special forms? With the flexible forms from SequriX no customer request remains unfulfilled.

Multi Clients_new
Multi Clients

Different company names, each with a different sender, e-mail address and logo in a single system.

Customer Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there still unanswered questions? Don't worry! Check out our FAQ-section. Here you'll find more details about our product.

SequriX is a holistic platform solution. Therefore, every information that is gathered during work is instantly available within the platform. This way, SequriX is capable of automatically generating a report of everything that happened during a task that was carried out at a specific object. All information such as scanned checkpoints, photos and incident registration is listed in a single PDF that can either be generated for download or automatically sent out to a customer via mail.

Yes, you can schedule the send-out of reports according to your customers' wishes. They can for example receive all reports of the past week for a specific object every Monday at 8:00 AM.

Yes, there is. This way, your customers get information about both planned and completed tasks. They can manage their data like address changes or phone numbers and access their invoices and reports.

Yes, the report is easily customizable with your logo or that of your customer and contact information. This provides a more professional look.

No, the SequriX app only runs on Android devices. Apple's iOS operating system is not compatible with SequriX.

If you are further interested in this topic, you can read all about the advantages of the Android operating system here

Book an Online Demo

Curious about whether the platform meets all your requirements?
Book an online demo and we would like to show you how SequriX can improve your security company.