With SequriX, security professionals already easily kept a log including visitor logs on a desktop or tablet. The latest update to the platform now brings this object log to the smartphone app as well.
From now on, security guards anywhere in the SequriX app can track daily activities on self-configurable categories. Also, internal and external control rounds are easily captured on the smartphone, it is possible to make use of NFC checkpoints, and through photos security guards provide a full report of all events during a shift.
Always the right data at hand
Of course, the mobile app can still be combined with the desktop version. In this log on the PC, past recorded activities are also visible. This simplifies the shift handover and, thanks to the search function, specific reports from the past are quickly retrieved. Visitor logs are available cross-departmentally, so security guards are aware of the situation at the object at all times.
SequriX serves as a central place where all relevant object data such as notifications, floor plans, emergency plans and key and contact information can be found by any employee. Security guards update changes in only one place and are then available on both desktop and smartphone.
Man-down and hourly notification
To meet the requirements of the collective bargaining agreement and for the safety of security guards, the smartphone app also features extensive hourly and emergency notification functionality. For example, the app features an intelligent 'man-down' signal, which activates itself as soon as the app no longer detects movement or activity. There is also the option for the 'classic' hourly notification, where every hour (this is configurable), a sign of life is requested from the security guard. The security guard must confirm this with a PIN. If the security guard is in distress, they can also always manually activate a panic alarm, provided with a GPS location.
Should you be interested in this more efficient static security through a smartphone? Then contact us without obligation. We will be happy to tell you more!